Four year old Addison’s drawing of a poodle is remarkably coherent. I used a combination of cuddly soft pink fabric and a purple wool fabric after the crayon she used. The detail on the poodle’s face was turned into a butterfly.
When I first saw Fox’s drawing, I didn’t notice the extra detail immediately, but his mother e-mailed me to make sure I included ALL the details in the drawing. Those are my notes and my coloured rendition. And well, yes, there is a penis.
Issa’s drawing had soft wispy lines which I wanted to capture. I found a yarn that had wispy strands to it. For some reason, the softie makes me think of Boy George!
Two brothers. Two superheroes. Many adventures.
Walker’s mom is like me. She saves all of her son’s first drawings. Because we truly do think they are masterpieces. C’mon, look at the expression!
But really, most parents love their children’s artwork. We love their first signs of creativity, and their early attempts at making art, because they illustrate our children’s awareness of themselves and their growing understanding of the dynamics between things and of what they feel as well as what they know.
“The painting on the left is my child’s finished painting…..the one on the right is the beginning stages, before she coloured it in. I included this one on the right so you’d be able to see clearly her image. She described her painting to me as. ” This is me, with curly hair. I have earrings on. I’m holding bags. Standing on grass. And well just colours.” Helen, mother of Lily, age 4
And just a note…
I am still working on my wait list. If you sent me an e-mail back in February, and are wondering if I will ever get back to you, the answer is yes, one day, you will hear from me. It’s slow-going, but I am determined to get back to everyone on my wait list. If you are new to my website and are wondering if I will ever start taking new orders, the answer is yes, one day, I will announce on this website and on my facebook page when I am able to take new orders. It may be a year or less. The best thing to do is to subscribe or like my facebook page to get my news. Otherwise, the Softiemaker Showcase is a list of independent softie-makers from around the world who are ready to turn your child’s drawing into a huggable toy. These craftspeople each have their own pricing, submission guidelines and turnaround.
Have a great summer!