
drawing by Heather, age 5
The house of snail upon his back
protects from weather and attack
though just who might attack a snail
is a question I must fail to answer.

drawing by Heather, age 5

drawing by Jun, age 7
The turtle in his turtle shell
is shell-tered well.
The only skin that shows a bit
on him
is nose and toes a bit
on him.

drawing by Anson, age 5

drawing by Caillie, age 5
I have a blue coat with a hood
like a private tent or roof
water, every weather proof.
Warm, secure
a snuggery
it often walks around with me.
A home away when I’m away
letting all the stars in
keeping out the damp grey.
it suits me well
my shell.
(Poem by Karla Kuskin)

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Scary the Dinosaur